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s1 12 Snow


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:2,000 ]

I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my little brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

And this is Daddy Pig.

Peppa pig.


Peppa and George are very excited today.

It is snowing outside!

Mummy! Can we go and play in the snow?

Yes, but it's very cold outside,

so you must wrap up warm.


And don't forget to wear your hats,

and scarves and gloves.

It is very cold outside.

Peppa and George must wear their hats...

and scarves... and gloves.

Come on, George!

Peppa and George are making
footprints in the snow.

Peppa and George love making
footprints in the snow!


Oh, dear

It's not funny!

George, let's play snowballs!

Peppa has made a snowball.

Peppa and George are having a lot of fun.

George, come back, you little piggy!


Oh, dear. Maybe this game is
getting a little too rough.

Sorry, George.

George! Let's build a snowman!

Peppa and George are making a snowman.

First, they make the body.

George, this is the snowman's body.

Now, they make the snowman's head.

Now, he needs arms
and eyes and a mouth!

George has found some sticks
for the snowman's arms.

Peppa has found some stones
for the snowman's eyes and mouth.

This is his face.

Now the snowman needs a nose.

Peppa has got a carrot,
to make the snowman's nose.

The snowman looks very happy.

But maybe he is bit cold.

The snowman needs some clothes
to keep him warm.

George has found some clothes

to keep the snowman nice and warm!

The snowman is wearing his hat... and
scarf... and gloves.

Mummy! Daddy! Come and look!

Mummy Pig is wearing her hat
and scarf
and gloves.

That is the best snowman
I have ever seen!

Daddy Pig looks quite cold.

He isn't wearing his hat
and scarf
and gloves.

Daddy, why aren't you
wearing your hat

and scarf and gloves?

I don't know where they are!

I can't find them anywhere.

I think I know where
Daddy's hat, scarf and gloves are...

Daddy Pig's hat and scarf and gloves

are on the snowman!


I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my little brother, George.


hats [hæts] abbr. 转换终端应用程序(Host Access Transformation Services) {ielts :2015}

hat [hæt] n. 帽子 vt. 给……戴上帽子 vi. 供应帽子;制造帽子 n. (Hat)人名;(中)核(广东话·威妥玛) {zk gk ielts :2015}

wrap [ræp] n. 外套;围巾 vt. 包;缠绕;隐藏;掩护 vi. 包起来;缠绕;穿外衣 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :2090}

rough [rʌf] n. 艰苦;高低不平的地面;未经加工的材料;粗糙的部分 adj. 粗糙的;粗略的;粗野的;艰苦的;未经加工的 vt. 使粗糙;粗暴对待;草拟 adv. 粗糙地;粗略地;粗暴地 vi. 举止粗野 n. (Rough)人名;(英)拉夫 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :2422}

gloves [ɡ'lʌvz] n. [服装] 手套(glove的复数) v. 给…戴手套(glove的三单形式) { :3095}

excited [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd] v. 激动;唤起(excite的过去分词) adj. 兴奋的;激动的;活跃的 { :3426}

carrot [ˈkærət] n. 胡萝卜 诱饵 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :4597}

scarf [skɑ:f] n. 围巾;嵌接,嵌接处;头巾领巾 n. (Scarf)人名;(英)斯卡夫 vt. 披嵌接;用围巾围 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky gre :6140}

scarves [skɑ:vz] n. 围巾;领带(scarf的复数);截面 { :6140}

footprints [fu:t'prɪnts] n. 足迹;脚印(footprint的复数);足印 { :8406}

snowballs [ˈsnəʊˌbɔ:lz] n. 雪球( snowball的名词复数 ) v. (计划、问题等)滚雪球似地迅速增大( snowball的第三人称单数 ); 根本不可能(做某事),机会渺茫 { :13612}

snowball [ˈsnəʊbɔ:l] n. 雪球 vt. 向…掷雪球;使滚雪球般增大 vi. 掷雪球;滚雪球般增大 n. (Snowball)人名;(英)斯诺博尔 {gk :13612}

oops [ʊps] int. 哎哟(表示惊讶,狼狈时所发的喊声) { :13703}

piggy [ˈpɪgi] n. 小猪 adj. 贪心的 { :16699}

snowman [ˈsnəʊmæn] n. 雪人 n. (Snowman)人名;(英)斯诺曼 {gk :18086}

hurray [hʊˈreɪ] n. 万岁呼声;狂热 n. (Hurray)人名;(匈)胡劳伊 vt. 向…欢呼(等于hurrah) int. 加油 vi. 欢呼 { :34628}

arrgh [ ] 啊(拟声词)

a lot of fun [ ] [网络] 非常有意思;很大的乐趣;许多有趣的事情

a nose [ ] [网络] 鼻子;一只鼻子;一个鼻子

a snowball [ ] [网络] 雪球

don't forget [ ] [网络] 不要忘记;别忘了;请不要忘记

footprints in the snow [ ] [网络] 雪地里的脚印;雪上的脚印;踏雪寻梅

forget to [ ] [网络] 忘记去;忘了要;忘记去做这件事

Hat and Scarf [ ] [网络] 帽子围巾

have a lot of fun [ ] [网络] 玩得很高兴;有许多乐趣;玩得很开心

in the snow [ ] [网络] 在雪地里;在雪中;在雪地上

it's not funny [ ] [网络] 不好玩;这个不好笑;这样并不好笑

make a snowman [meik ə ˈsnəʊˌmæn] [网络] 堆雪人;做雪人;堆一个雪人

quite cold [ ] [网络] 相当冷;颇为寒冷;比较冷

wrap up [ræp ʌp] 包裹;圆满完成;(使)穿得暖和(wrap somebody/yourself up);注意力完全集中于……

wrap up warm [ ] [网络] 穿暖和;穿得暖和;穿著暖和

and scarf and gloves

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用